Nie sú pre každého! 15+ silných fotografií z pôrodov, ktoré sú dôkazom toho, že materstvo je nádherná vec

Lucia Mužlová

Hovorí sa, že mamičky hneď po pôrode zabudnú na všetku bolesť a zaplavia ich krásne emócie. Prebudí sa materinský cit a na pôrod sa úplne zabudne. Toto sú tie najkrajšie a najsilnejšie fotografie z pôrodov, ktoré nie sú pre každého. Mnoho ľudí ich dokonca pokladá za nevhodné. Nám ale prídu nádherné.

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I've been sharing reasons to hire a birth photographer, and along the way I thought it would be a good idea to dispel some myths, too. One being that you have to be a quiet, peaceful birther to have beautiful birth photos. I have encountered every kind of birther – loud, soft, inward, outward. The power of birth photography does not come down to any particular moment… many think of those "that moment" shots where mom is joyfully embracing her freshly born baby with obvious emotion on her face. That is a beautiful moment. But your story is beautiful because it is your story, not because it fits any kind of mold. So if you're loud, it will be beautiful. If you're soft, it will be beautiful. If you exude bliss and tranquility, beautiful. If you exude powerful raw feelings, still beautiful. ❤️ . . . . . #documentyourbirth #birthdocumentary #birthstories #birthisbeautiful #thisisbirth #whynothome #bornathome #homebirth #waterbirth #birthphotographer #atxbirthphotographer #birthfromwithin #laborsupport #doula #becomingafamily #leilanirogersphotographer #photosbylei #preservehappy

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