Toto je dôvod, prečo ženy po 30 minútach na Instagrame začnú nenávidieť svoje telo. Takto hnusne nás klamú fotografie

Lucia Horáková

Čím viac followerov na Instagrame máte, tým ste medzi ostatnými obľúbenejší. Aspoň to si myslia užívatelia, ktorí sa horlivo snažia nadobudnúť tisícky sledovateľov a zaujať ich svojimi fotkami. Často sa chcú hlavne ženy podobať svojím vzorom, ktoré sú úspešné a na Instagrame ich sleduje množstvo ľudí z celého sveta. Je však takéto naháňanie sa za followermi zdravé?

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Podľa uznávaných odborníkov z Royal Society for Public Health má totiž sledovanie dokonalých fotiek na sociálnych sieťach nepriaznivý vplyv na ľudskú psychiku a dokonca môžu spôsobiť aj depresie. Práve tie sú v dnešnej dobe omnoho viac rozšírenejšie a nebezpečnejšie ako kedysi a lekári preto oprávnene dvíhajú varovný prst. Keď sa pozrieme na to z pohľadu veku, najohrozenejšou skupinou sú tínedžeri a mladí ľudia do 25 rokov.

Okrem depresie a úzkosti, ktorá za posledných 25 rokov vzrástla u mladých osôb o 70 percent, sa Instagramu pripisujú aj ďalšie negatíva ako je nedostatok spánku či kyberšikana. Výskumy jasne poukazujú i na fakt, že už pri dvoch hodinách denne strávených na sociálnych sieťach, majú používatelia vyššiu pravdepodobnosť slabšieho psychického zdravia. A je toto všetko vôbec opodstatnené?

Rozhodne nie a jednu vec by všetci užívatelia tejto populárnej sociálnej siete mali vedieť. Realita je častokrát úplne iná ako vidíme na zverejnených fotkách a treba ich preto brať s veľkou rezervou. Uvedomili ste si niekedy, že stačí len kúsok natočiť telo na rôzne smery a získate skvelý záber vašej postavy? Samozrejme, predtým treba spraviť množstvo pokusov, až sa dopracujete k dokonalej fotke, lebo na prvýkrát sa to nikdy nepodarí.

To isté platí o póze v sede, kedy sa nám brucho začne výraznejšie vydúvať a iný tvar nadobudnú aj stehná. Veľké divy dokáže spraviť rozdielne svetlo a milé dámy, netreba zabúdať i na to, že večer máme o dosť nafúknutejšie bruško ako ráno po prebudení. Nie je na tom nič zvláštne, je to úplne prirodzená súčasť každej ženy. A aby sme vás ešte viac upokojili, množstvo užívateľov Instagramu si, žiaľ, dopomáha k dokonalosti photoshopom.

Ako teda môžete vidieť, Instagram je jedna veľká kolíska klamstiev,  ktoré sa na nás vrhajú z každej strany. Odolajte nepriaznivému vplyvu sociálnych sietí a nedovoľte, aby vás zlákal do svojich nečestných vôd. Nijako vám to nepomôže, práve naopak. A chcete sa len kvôli Instagramu cítiť zle, menejcenne, s depresiou na krku? Vyhoďte si to preto rýchlo z hlavy a pozerajte sa na to z úplne inej strany.

Niekoľko rád, ako bez ujmy na zdraví používať Instagram

  • neporovnávajte sa s inými užívateľmi, ktorí s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou vyzerajú v skutočnosti úplne inak ako na prezentovaných fotkách a dopomáhajú si photoshopom
  • vychudnuté modelky už dávno nie sú v kurze, preto sa nehanbite za svoje kilečká navyše
  • veľmi moderná je prirodzená krása, nebráňte sa fotkám bez nánosov mejkapu
  • nesledujte počet lajknutí pri vašich fotkách, ani množstvo sledovateľov. Využívajte Instagram len pre vaše potešenie, na odreagovanie, na vyjadrenie svojich myšlienok, pocitov, prípadne sa inšpirujte účesom, či nejakým zaujímavým outfitom.
  • snažte sa krotiť v počte zverejnených fotiek za deň a nezaplavujte vašich sledovateľov desiatkami záberov, ktoré sú v podstate takmer identické. Práve toto môže ľudí odradiť a stratia záujem vaše príspevky sledovať. Vyberte vždy len jednu najlepšiu, prípadne dve.
  • nekontrolujte počas dňa neprestajne sociálne siete, čo je nové a či niekto lajkol vašu fotku. Keď ste von s kamarátmi alebo na obede s rodinou, vypnite dáta v mobile a venujte sa ľuďom, ktorí patria do vášho reálneho života.

K modernej dobe sociálne siete určite patria, no je veľmi dôležité nepodľahnúť ich negatívnemu vplyvu a naučiť sa od nich odosobniť. Nižšie vo fotogalérii nájdete názorné príklady toho, ako dokáže Instagram hnusne klamať a zavádzať.

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What is healthy? 🌿 Lately I’ve been getting comments saying things like: “You’re fat, workout. You wouldn’t have this problem if you worked out. You’re not healthy. Don’t spread an unhealthy message.” I’m not annoyed by these comments, I just wanted to share this to show that that’s not always the case!! I’ve been working out for almost 3 years. Healthy is different on everyone. You can have abs and still have tummy fat. You can workout for 3 years and look like you haven’t worked out ever! But why does it even matter? Why is appearance judged so harshly? Why does the way you look even matter? Why is society so fixated looks? We all have different bodies. There is no one size fits all with health and happiness. We put so much stress into how we look that we sometimes forget about what makes us happy. Live life so that you’re at your happiest and enjoying life to the fullest. Don’t let others dictate how you feel about your body. Your body does not define you. Your size does not define you. 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #stopbodyshaming #livelifetothefullest #dietsdontwork #effyourbeautystandards #nowrongway #bopowarrior

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My body 🌿 Ever since I've been a teen I've been horribly self conscious of my tummy area. I would put myself down over having a wide torso and no curves compared to other women in media. I'd think that once I hit puberty I would somehow suddenly get super curvy and all of it would be fixed. But I've realised that that's not going to happen. And that's completely fine. It's not a bad thing at all. I don't want to change this anymore. When I took photos like the one on the right I would feel like my body has not progressed from 2 years of working out at all. But the thing is that bodies will always look different from different angles. Don't let "bad photos" make you hate your body. Because everyone has these bad photos, most people just don't show them. Tummies are designed to have fat on them, it's there to protect your internal organs. Having a flat tummy 24/7 with no fat is impossible because our stomachs are designed to expand when we eat or drink. They're constantly changing and that's completely normal!! I don't think there is anything wrong with either of these photos anymore, they are the same body. I love this body and thank it for functioning and keeping me alive. I feel sometimes we as humans get too caught up in looking good when we should be happy that we have a body that is capable of doing so much. Instead of hating that your body looks a certain way, thank it for functioning and keeping you alive. You only have one body, it's much harder going through life hating it rather than appreciating it for all the incredible things it does. Your body does not define your worth as a person. You look absolutely amazing the way you are, from all angles, at all times of the day 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #mybody #bodypositive #bodyconfidence #nobodyshame #effyourbeautystandards #loveyourbody #healthyhabits #selfesteem #selfacceptance #lawofattraction #thankyourbody #alsome #youareworthit #youareunique #flaws #insecurities

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Instagram vs real life 💁🏼🌿 If I saw the photo on the left a year ago I would've instantly thought so negatively about my body, that all my hard work from working out was non existent, that if someone looked at me they would've never thought I've been working out for 2 years and think I wasn't trying hard enough. But the thing is is that all bodies look different. Nobody's booty looks round and peachy from all angles. Nobody's body looks the same from all angles. Don't eat less or miss out on your favorite meals/drinks or over exercise to "look good for a holiday" or to "look good in bikini photos" because there will always be angles that are "unflattering" that might make you feel bad when you see them. Instead workout and eat healthy because it makes you feel good, not as a punishment. Start loving and accepting your body at all angles with all your "flaws", instead of trying to fit into societies image of 'beauty' because that image isn't inclusive of all individuals, which is so messed up. Don't hate yourself just because of bad photos, they do not define you as a person. You look the best when you're living life to the fullest and happiest. There's no point in missing out on things and stressing yourself out so much. Life isn't meant to be a competition on who can look the best and we should normalize not having to "look perfect" all the time because it's a ridiculous concept. You are perfect the way you are 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #instagramvsreallife #beforeandafter #lawofattraction #bodypositive #bekindtoyourself #lifeisgreat #dowhatyoulove #veganbooty #youareenough #progressnotperfection #bodyimage #vegansofig #girlswhoworkout #selflove #youarebeautiful #veganfitness #loa #fitnessjourney #bopo #bodyacceptance #bodyconfidence #effyourbeautystandards #bepresent #justbe #moderation #balanceddiet #staypositive #thinkpositive

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Smooth skin, peachy booty, small waist, thin thighs… you can have it all in just 30 seconds of editing 💁🏼‍♀️ It’s scary how easily & quickly you can change your body on some of these apps. @lydiaxcollins & I had a play round to see how ‘modern day perfect’ we could make me look but still making it look ‘real’. Instagram can be so encouraging & inspiring but it’s also a ‘perfection’ trap 95% of the time & it can be so unhealthy & it still effects me. I want you to be able relate to me & look at my body & know it’s achievable. I want you to see me & know I look exactly the same in real life as I do on here. Yes people work extremely hard for their bodies & some people do look like the right but the rest of us gals should not have to feel like sh🍌t if we don’t 💃🏼 Sending allllll my love to anyone that’s compared themselves to another human today or wished they looked like that person on Instagram. You’re beautiful, in your own unique way ❤️🧡💛

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“BOOTY GOALS” 🍑 “OH MY GOD I WANT YOUR BUM”… you see these kinda comments all over your newsfeed, but would you see those kinda comments on the right photo?! 🤷🏼‍♀️ Neither of these photos are edited or photoshopped, same bottom just 2 completely different angles. Are you hooked on growing your peach to look like your favourite instagram girl? Have you ever thought maybe they have what I’ve got on the right: the dimples, the uneven cheeks, the bit I like to call the “second booty” (that bit underneath your bottom). I used to be extremely conscious of the back of my legs & if anyone was walking behind me whilst I was in swimwear I’d cover my booty & my legs because I was so embarrassed. I still find it a little bit scary sharing the right photo but I’m in my happy place, stuffing myself with popcorn! 🍿 & if it helps at least one of you to realise it’s OKAY to have imperfections then it was worth me pooing my pants a little. So next time you look in the mirror & see something similar to the right photo, just have a little word with yourself, I gat it too gurlll. You’re not alone 🙋🏼‍♀️🧡❤️💛

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What's more important to you, looking good or feeling good? 👀 The majority of us, boys & gals, have been through periods where all we want to do is look good but it takes over & we lose the want to feel good 🕺🏼💃🏼 There's a huge difference between choosing when you want to workout & being so obsessed you don't even have the choice. Back in the left photo I had lost my sense of control & working out/counting every calorie took over my life. I was addicted to not just looking the leanest I could but I was obsessed with the gym, I spent way too much time there & it took priority over things it shouldn't of. The right photo was taken last week, after not stepping foot in a gym for 16 days (because of a kidney infection). I'm now at a shape that's healthier for me. Not only has my body changed but my mindset has shifted so so much, even after one day off/a rest day I was so desperate to go back to training it felt like an unhealthy addiction. Now, I walk out of the gym feeling fulfilled, strong & energised compared to the exhausted & sore me on the left. I am so glad I did a bikini competition because it really did educate me & I learnt so much about my body but I would choose happiness over 11% body fat ANYDAY 🙋🏼 So, next time you're working out, think to yourself, am I doing this just to look good or to feel good too? 💛

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⏳Only 30 seconds in between those pictures⌛️ I really doubted whether this should be called a "30 second transformation" or a "real life / posed pic". But if you ever run into me I will NOT look like EITHER of them!🤔😮 Today I wanna talk to you about posture💁🏻 Cause yes that right picture is definitely one of my favourite poses cause it enhances some features of MY body. But taking that left pic I was posing too😅 . . Look at my feet pushed together, my arm awkwardly hanging close to my body which takes away the shape of my upperbody🙇🏻‍♀️ My shoulders are completely rounded which "closes" my chest. I seriously had issues looking up whilst taking this picture cause my posture caused my head to face the floor😔. . Now compare this to the right one. I never thought I'd ever say this on insta but LOOK AT MY TITTIES😅😂 In the right pic my chest is open which makes my entire upperbody look better and also makes it possible to look up😌. . STOP FEELING BAD ABOUT YOURSELF BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU SEE ON SOCIAL MEDIA!! In real life my body looks somewhere inbetween those two pictures💃🏻 But what I really wanted to say; I get tons of DM's and emails from girls telling me how terrible they look. Sometimes they even send me pictures and guess what? They are always posing like the pic on the left. Listen to me; you are BEAUTIFUL no matter what!! I'm not only looking awkward in that pose too, I also felt super uncomfortable. The rounded shoulders and closed posture whisper; I'd rather not be in this pic🙈 Where the right pic screams confidence🙆🏻💁🏻 . . When I take pics I instantly stand in a way which makes me feel pretty af👑 When I go shooting in public places and the same group of boys passes me for the 5th time I feel incredibly uncomfortable and guess what; it shows in the pic! My entire posture changes when I feel awkward. So if you walk to your mirror thinking; I look terrible, it's gonna show in your posture!! You're gonna see that insecure girl and feel even worse😔 STOP THAT!! I'm asking you to go to your mirror feeling badass, tell yourself how beautiful you are and take selfies like a queen👑 it doesn't matter what your body looks like, Just OWN IT! ❤ #weareallbeautiful

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Insta models be like; only gonna post pictures with lighting that shows my abs💁🏻🙄 Todays "influencers" often seem to forget that when you only post pictures like the left one your followers may think you look like that 24/7. #wedont ✨ This right pic was taken whilst using a strong artificial light which takes alway all shades💡 The left pic is only natural light which leaves the shades of my abs🌞I'm flexing in both pics and the pose is pretty much the same! ✨ I posted a similar pic not so long ago and I got so many comments saying it was photoshop🙄 This time I made a video too so maybe I'll upload it later. Honestly, I'm just trying to make something clear to you. No reason to fake it🙅🏻 ✨ Light is a life changer! You know what you do when you contour your face with make up? You put on fake shades to create depth in your face. You put on highlighter to make some parts of your face pop up. 💁🏻 ✨ Now think about abs. You can see muscles when a body is defined & thus the muscles "stick out". This creates the shades which shows us the definition. Take away lighting from a good angle and those shades & muscle definition are gone. It's that simple🙈 ✨ Don't always believe those magical transformations which happened in weeks. I could have just as well pretended this was a transformation pic. Always take your transformation pics with the same lighting! 💡 ✨ Transforming your body, mindset and lifestyle takes time and hard work⏳ Changing your body by using different lighting takes only seconds💁🏻 Stop focussing on others and stop comparing! Start focussing on yourself and start loving yourself! You don't need abs, a thigh gap or a big booty to be beautiful🙅🏻 You just need to be you!!🤗💕 ✨ Ps. Who's gonna stand in front of their mirror later today testing all sorts of lighting??😅 #iknowiwould Also if you don't believe these pics were taken moments apart: look at that tiny stripe on my hand where I tested my eyeliner😂💁🏻 Oh and tag a friend who needs to know that lighting can make such a big difference!💡👯

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Insta models be like; only gonna post pictures with lighting that shows my abs💁🏻🙄 Todays "influencers" often seem to forget that when you only post pictures like the right one your followers may think you look like that 24/7. #wedont✨ ✨ I don't want anyone looking in the mirror feeling bad because of me. And yes I know lots of you probably won't look like this even with "good" ab lighting. Not everyone has visible abs and that's totally okay! Every single body is beautiful in its own way!!❤ I still think it's important to know even us "insta models" don't look like that all the time👻 This left pic was taken whilst using a strong artificial light which takes alway all shades💡 The right pic is only natural light which leaves the shades of my abs🌞I'm flexing in both pics! ✨ I really want you to understand the power of lighting! I see tons of big fitness accounts and bloggers sharing transformation pictures but with different lighting and it kinda bothers me😶 Yes if you've lost 20 pounds we're gonna notice. But if you just lost a little bit and got toned you should use the same lighting for both pictures!!! ✨ Imagine if I'd put on different clothes in each picture and stood a bit differently. I could have just pretended this was a transformation picture and it would probably get tons of likes🤦🏻‍♀️ People would ask me my "secret", what I eat and how I train🏋🏻‍♀️ Guess what every fitness accounts secret is? LIGHTING!! 💡 ✨ I'm not saying that transformation pics with different lighting aren't real. It's just that usually the transformation isn't as big as the lighting makes it seem. Don't beat yourself up cause you see people all over the internet who claim to have made huge transformations in a short amount of time🙅🏻 ✨ Transforming your body, mindset and lifestyle takes time and hard work⏳ Changing your body by using different lighting takes only seconds💁🏻 Stop focussing on others and stop comparing! Start focussing on yourself and start loving yourself! You don't need abs, a thigh gap or a big booty to be beautiful🙅🏻 You just need to be you!!🤗💕 ✨ Ps. Who's gonna stand in front of their mirror later today testing all sorts of lighting??😅

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"GOALS" VS "FATROLLS" 👀 To anyone who calls me "goals" or "perfection" when they see that left picture or other pictures of me on insta: just know that if this left picture is your "goal" the right one should be too!!! Both me, both beautiful and only taken minutes apart. So this is actually GOALS VS GOALS!! ✨ . 🎥New video is up on my Youtube called "can you get rid of all skinfold & fatrolls?" Make sure you watch it if you've been feeling a bit down because whenever you sit rolls show up. Direct link is in my bio!😘 . If instagram was a river and you went fishing the main thing you'd catch would be "flattering pictures" & "flexed bodies"🐟🐟 Realise that you only see part of someone when you scroll through their account! 👀 . When I look at these pictures I see a beautiful girl in both of them!✨ It took me years though to learn to accept my body the way it is and I'm still learning to love it more every single day!❤ . So why do we mainly post pictures like the left one? I think everyone has their own reason. It could be insecurity but it could also be to show off hard work!👊🏼 . In the end we all need to learn that we are beautiful no matter what! A year ago I would have instantly deleted that picture on the right💔 And now? Do you see that giant smile? It's me smiling at myself in the mirror. I could see every roll, fold or whatever and thought; "you know what girl? You are beautiful!" ❤️ . Don't let some rolls hold you back in life!🙅🏻 Only avoid going to parties cause you're at home eating cinnamon rolls, not because of some silly fatrolls! . . Showing you a very realistic shapecheck in my Youtube video without hiding any rolls or folds. Damn even pulling them rolls so hard that they bounce back when I let go of them. Should have slow motioned that part! Would have been hilarious!😂😂 . Know that you don't need to lose weight or reach that "goal body" to be beautiful🙅🏻 YOU ARE ALREADY BEAUTIFUL! Open your eyes and see how amazing you are! I wanna see you shine! I want you to see your own beauty! Walk to that mirror and tell yourself; I AM BEAUTIFUL!❤️❤️ . (Maybe also tell your mum that she's beautiful since it's mothersday!)🙈

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‼️IMPORTANT MESSAGE‼️My Natural shape vs photoshop😅 But guess what, also my natural shape vs someone else's natural shape!!! . This whole "look what photoshop can do" hype is great but we actually have to keep it real too. Yes more real than just showing our OWN natural shape vs photoshop. I posted about the subject a month ago but I'm just gonna harrass you with it again cause I find it so important💁🏻 . See this is MY natural shape. Nothing wrong with it but I don't have that ⏳shape. HOWEVER, there are women who do! Just because someone's body is different than yours doesn't mean they had plastic surgery or it's photoshopped🙅🏻 . It's sad that people are claiming that all bodies you think are "goals" are fake or photoshopped cause that's not the truth🙅🏻 There are women out there with hourglass figures, there are women which have completely transformed their bodies🏋🏻‍♀️👊🏼 . Imagine a woman being insecure about her natural⏳ shape who keeps getting comments saying: stop photoshopping your pics, it looks ugly af. Or a woman who put years of hard work into her body getting comments it's "fake"🏋🏻‍♀️ That hurts doesn't it?💔 . I'm posting this cause I want you to realise there are all kinds of bodies and they're all equally beautiful! Yes you can lose weight or grow a booty but that doesn't make you beautiful🙅🏻 It just changes you, the beauty was already there! It's okay to have physical goals but always rember that you are beautiful no matter what! The most beautiful women are happy women!✨ . It's important to know that photoshop is present but that doesn't mean everything is suddenly fake. Also I know you mean well but I don't need to hear that I don't need photoshop cause my own body looks "better" than the curvy one. They are just different body types and they're both beautiful! So is the shape with a little "less curves" than I have! ALL BEAUTIFUL! ❤❤ . Curvy isn't better than skinny & skinny isn't better than curvy🙅🏻 They're different, that's it! STOP COMPARING YOUR BODY TO OTHERS! I was born with this body and I'm proud of it. Now go be proud of your body!❤ Raise your hand if you think all bodies are beautiful!🙋🏻 #imreswarriors

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Hey you!🙋🏻 Stop scrolling for a second and think about how social media affects you. Have you ever felt "lost" in this world of perfection? Felt like you're not good enough, pretty enough, skinny or curvy enough? I know I have and I still do from time to time 😶 . All we see on the internet is perfect pictures, bodies, faces and lifes. Guess what? It's not all as perfect as it seems🙅🏻 We "influencers" get to choose what we post and we usually pick our "best" pictures. We choose to show what seems to be socially acceptable and what fits with the beauty standards of todays society. Nothing wrong with that but sadly it gives the world an unrealistic idea of life and human bodies🦄 . My body isn't made out of stone, it doesn't look like the bodies you see in magazines all the time. Why? Cause life isn't a freaking magazine! I walk around, enjoy life and my body doesn't give a fuck about beauty standards. Sadly our minds do care😔💔 . It's easy to compare yourself with insta perfection and feel bad. If I'd posted the pic on the right I'm sure I'd get comments like "goals". However, I posted the left one a while ago and people still message me making fun of the way my body looks in it🙄 Guess what, both pics are me, the same body, same vacation, both beautiful yet one of them fits beauty standards better than the other. Silly isn't it? 🤷🏻‍♀️ . Whoever you are, please know that you are good enough! You are beautiful and deserve the best in life! Don't let your body or appearance hold you back in life🙅🏻 Go live your life and amazing things will happen! ! ✨ 👇🏼 leave a "❤" in the comments if you think we should love our bodies cause we're beautiful no matter what! Wishing you a day with lots of love, laughter and happiness🤗💕 oh and tag a friend who needs to read this👯 #togetherwearestronger #keepitreal #bodypositive #loveyourself

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‼️DIFFERENT KIND OF "KEEP IT REAL"‼️ I know some people are all done with the "keep it real" pictures so I thought I'd try a new one😅 I find this one kinda hilarious🙈chilling by the pool instagram vs real life👙 . Anyone familiar with the concept of having all "normal" legs when you're standing but as soon as you sit down they transform into huge piles of meat?🍖😂 Why is it that those 2 sticks we use to walk expand to the size of Texas whenever they touch a chair?😅 . This is the most NORMAL thing ever yet us girls seem to be so self conscious about it😔 Hello! Your legs are being pushed against a surface, they are supposed to expand! This doesn't mean you're fat🙅🏻 Even muscle will just look like a huge shapeless pile of meat when there's no flexing involved🍖 If you don't want your legs to expand maybe invest in stone legs!⛰⛏ I'd choose marble ones💁🏻😂 . We've just lost touch with reality because on the internet all we see are those freaking hot dog legs🌭 I am guilty of posting those too! Yet even I wondered on my last vacay why my legs were so "big" when I sat down. 😅 . Thought I'd take a good comparison pic and I'm pretty sure I've got a hernia now😅 Creating that thighgap & skinny legs feel was real hard😵 I had to arch my back like crazy, hold my legs up (serious ab work was involved) and had to sit on the edge of the pool which caused me to almost fall. Both my camera & I would have drowned in the sadness of insta perfection (I would survive the water though, I can swim!🙆🏻) To people who do sit like this in real life; I admire your core strenght & willpower! . Yep, that's the truth behind poolside hotdog pics. Truth be told I'd much rather sit like that right pic whilst enjoying an actual hotdog🌭 What is your fave poolside snack? Kinda wanted to hold a piece of watermelon whilst taking this but it turns out that's only for advanced instagram posing😅 I couldn't hold myself up, flex them abs, hold a watermelon & take pics at the same time😂 Guess I better start practicing for my next vacay!💁🏻 . Ps. I don't think there's anything wrong with the way my legs look in the pic on the right. Just showing you the difference! 🌭 vs 🍖 = both yummy🙆🏻

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 (@imrececen) on

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So I posted a pic of the difference between me standing and me sitting a while ago and I got some real badass comments🤔 I got called "fat", "ugly" and was even told that "real" fitgirls don't look like this right pic when they sit down🙄 🤦🏻‍♀️ ✨ First of all: being fit has very little to do with how you look. Having a low fatpercentage does not mean someone is fit or healthy🙅🏻 It goes the other way around too. Not having a low fatpercentage does NOT mean you can't be fit. There is no standard for being fit. We can all be fit in our own way! Find a way of being fit that makes you happy!🏋🏻‍♀️⛹🏻‍♀️🚴🏽‍♀️🏊🏼‍♀️ ✨ Then for the people who said they do not have any kind of "rolls" when they sit: we all have a skin. Your skin is your biggest organ and keeps your other organs together whilst keeping bacteria etc out. Your skin is flexible so you can MOVE🙆🏻 Being flexible also means that if you push it certain ways it rolls up a bit. Be thankful for those skinrolls! Without them you'd have to stay put in one place your entire life and probably die a lonely death. Cause no, your other inflexible friends can't move either😅 🙈 ✨ . When I sit up straight and flex I don't have any rolls. When I slouch, round my shouders and back I do have some tiny rolls. I'd rather call them skinfolds though. I'll be honest: I don't really have a huge pouch. For "normal" people standards I actually have little fat on my belly. Then again, for bodybuilding standards my fatpercentage is NOT that low at all🤷🏻‍♀️ . ✨ There is no such thing as a perfect body. Your goals depend on what kinda people you surround yourself with and look up to👀 You might look at yourself and think you're "too fat" whereas someone else looks at you and wishes one day they will look like you. Learn to love yourself no matter what! You won't find happiness in having your goal body🙅🏻 You have to find happiness within yourself!💕 ✨ There will always be people who won't like you. But guess what? There will also ALWAYS be people who LOVE you! Become your own biggest fan. See how amazing you are and suddenly you'll turn into "goals" yourself! I believe in you, now believe in yourself too!👊🏼❤❤

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 (@imrececen) on

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Ever sat on the floor like the right photo, looked down at your belly & thought 'yuk'? 🙋🏼 I have… a million times. But over the past year, with the help of Instagram & 'the real talk' I've learnt it's actually completely & utterly normal. As the gorge goddess @imrececen stated, very very wisely… you are beautiful no matter what 💃🏼 We all get sucked into the trap of wanting to 'look good' but do we ever stop & think… will it actually make me a better person? Will my friends love me more if I've got a six pack? Will I get promoted at work if I've got a thigh gap? There's a difference between looking good & feeling good. Working out should make you feel like a better person, it should make you feel like a superhero, it should make you appreciate your body more & therefore make you want to take care of yourself. I train super hard because I absolutely love it, I lift weights because it makes me feel strong & I take the time to look after myself… but I still have a tum when I sit down. That tum ain't going nowhere, no matter how hard I work, sweat & train. You can choose how you feel, you have the power to think positively so let's say goodbye to all of those negative words you call yourself & hello to feeling proud of your body 💛

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